When you work from the internet, you need a strategy to generate traffic to your site. There are many ways to do this, but remember that regular and sustained effort is required to be effective. It is usually better to focus on several methods and get to grips with them before trying different or new approaches. Remember, none of these methods work immediately, and consistent effort is the key. Set a daily schedule and stick to it – your consistent effort will be rewarded.
The following traffic-generating methods will work for you if you are consistent and persistent: YouTube.com is the fastest-growing site on the net and should not be ignored by people working from the internet. It would help if you had a presence where the action is, so register for an account on YouTube, create and post a video, and include your link in the description. YouTube allows you to name your website on your video, so even though it is not a direct link, it is visible to those viewing it.
Remember that your video needs to be keyword optimized, so include your main keywords in the video’s title. You can also include other keywords in the tags and the description. There is a fantastic free resource (Animoto.com) that makes the production of short videos very easy. These videos include text, images, and a soundtrack, so you can enjoy putting them together. It takes about 5 minutes to produce a 30-second video, so you can easily do one a day, which means you can have 30 videos kicking around on YouTube after a month.
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If you work online, targeted campaigns on Google AdWords are inexpensive ways to generate lots of traffic. Again, it would help if you optimized your adverts by including keywords in the first line of your ads. Google is one of the great places to start because it doesn’t cost a bundle to register, and it currently gets loads of traffic. Remember to start with relatively uncompetitive keywords because this will keep the cost down while you get to grips with the trade tricks and make your ads more effective and targeted.
Another benefit of this traffic-generating strategy is that you can run two or more similar campaigns at once, evaluate the response, and adjust your campaign to include combinations of strategies that are shown to work better for you. Working from the internet can be very profitable. Let me help you get started. Get a free five-part course that will help you set up a profitable online business.