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Beauty is Everywhere

As I look out into the world, I see so much to be grateful for. Surrounded by beauty, I am left with no doubt that we live in a spirit-filled world that is becoming more authentic in the beauty that it can appreciate. For so long, we have come to define beauty on a superficial level, but as we grow, so will our ability to appreciate beauty grow within us.

With this, understand that only we can recognize and appreciate what is truly beautiful when we have unified with the essence of our own beauty within ourselves—so many struggle to find the beauty in the world when they look outside. Fearful of what they will encounter, they see a world filled with anger, hostility, and horror, and because this is what they see, this is what becomes real for them, and they continue to live as their self-fulfilling prophecy would have it be.

Neglecting their beauty, they have swallowed a nightmare pill that dramatically alters the world in which they see. Turning away from the spirit, they have chosen to embrace the ego, which sees things always in a distorted light. With power and strength to gain for itself, the ego is devoted not to searching for beauty but to finding what can build it up in the world’s eyes. Concerned with the physical world and pleasing those within it, it is not interested in the wisdom of the spirit.

Not wanting to be the protagonist in its demise, the ego is interested in keeping the true source of beauty from your eyes. Not wanting you to experience the awe that beauty inspires, it seeks to keep you in a state of boredom where you ask no questions of life. By asking no questions, you cease interacting with life and deprive yourself of the answers God wants. This is what it means to be reactive to life and to suffer in the process.

Called to be proactive, we do not grow in our life experience if we have closed ourselves off to what it seeks to teach us. Wanting to show us the beauty in the world and ourselves is a willing teacher, but a teacher has no role to occupy without a student in attendance. This is why we must be open-minded in beauty’s presence. With much to give, there is much to learn about the beauty of God, which manifests itself in all things.

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It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What this means to me is that each of us can find beauty in different things. What some label beautiful, others might label ugly, and vice versa. But does it matter what verdict is passed on whether something is pleasing to the eye? What matters is the seed of beauty in all things God has created. With the beauty of the creator pervading each of his creations, beauty is there to see. Does the question then become, what is the quality of the vision of the observer?


Many can see the beauty in all that surrounds them, but even more, they are not. Selective in what they ascribe the label ‘beautiful’ to, these people have chosen to honor the mind above the heart, which discriminates. Seeing more than the mind can see, the heart knows it is futile to judge because it realizes that judgment passed on that appears in a diminished light is falsely condemned.

Seeing only a portion of the whole, much is misunderstood, and embracing only a part is rejected as irrelevant. See, in this, we play the dangerous game when we choose to have the ego’s eyes as the filter with which we view the world. Seeing only fragments of beauty that it has contaminated through its judgment, much is discarded and even less honored, for God cannot be seen by that which despises his presence. Wanting you not to see him, the ego will lead you to label him as ugly, much that is beautiful in appearance and substance.

Intense in its loathing, the ego is not always rational in its judgment, and even in its certainty, it misses much to be appreciated. See how the ego’s arrogance often leads it to abandon what could otherwise serve it. Cursed in its blindness, it makes not for wise counsel to the one who searches for a deeper life experience.

Wanting to experience love, one must consult the heart, being the center of beauty inside the self. Being not separate from God is the gift that God has given us to enjoy the world. Blessed with much, we can find much joy when we look upon the world with spiritual eyes. Hindered not by the ego’s shortcomings, we can see the love behind the barriers and the distinctions that make the miraculous commonplace.

Blessed in spirit, we must not take that which can teach us who we truly are for granted. Endowed with wisdom, all of God’s creations are capable teachers, and assuming not a separate identity from him, they are models to be emulated. With this, we learn that beauty is distorted as separation is affected. So, as you travel far from him, your ability to experience beauty diminishes in strength.

Concerned primarily with attaching labels at the moment, what eludes you is the beauty inherent in entering the moment. To enter the moment is to join God in your heart and see what he sees in the physical world. With all that he created being good, you can see the love that pervades everything in the light of the spirit. Appreciating everything just as it is, you understand that it is enough and that the ego does not have to be invited to enhance what is complete.

Complete, the gifts of God are holy in what they hold and what they deliver. Endowed with beauty, they bring to the lost man much that is invaluable. Longing for God, those who are lost suffer in their desperation. Convinced of their horror, the memories of their eternal beauty slip into the past. But the past is not lost forever, for every illusion stands to be corrected, and as a partner with eternity, it will not fail to reveal itself in a touch that the moment has in store, for the child who sees now, not yearning for more.

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