Now that you have decided to get a Mac, it’s time to figure out which Mac is the right one for you. There isn’t a wrong choice here, and it’s more a matter of getting the best use out of your money and not over or under-spending your hard-earned cash.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to help narrow it down
1. Do you need portability?
2. What are you going to use your Mac for?
3. What is Your Budget?
4. Intel or Power PC?
Starting with Question number 1. Do you need portability?
This is fairly straightforward, but I think you should take some time to
consider this question rather than jump into it; for example, here is a list of Pros
and Cons for each choice. Laptops are ultra-portable, great for the person on the move or even just carrying it around the house. Why not surf the Web from your couch?
Laptops take up very little space and are great for small work areas or even people who want to use them on a boat, motorhome, or maybe a dorm room situation. They require no setup; everything is built-in and ready to go. Laptops generally cost more than Desktops and can sometimes have less raw power, speed, and space compared to their desktop equivalent.
Laptops are generally harder and more expensive to upgrade because of all the miniaturized components that go into them.
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Desktops have the rawest power and performance for the money.
Desktops can be upgraded easily and usually for less than a Laptop.
Desktops take up more space and typically require setups like keyboards, mice, speakers, and monitors to the plugin.
Desktops always require household power, no power computer.
Question 2. What are you going to use your Mac for?
You must match your computer to your needs or requirements. Higher-end Macs have more than just enhanced specifications; they tend to have more
features geared toward the professional user.
For example:
PowerBooks and MacBook Pros have PC Card slots for even more connectivity.
PowerBooks and MacBooks support the Apple 30-inch Dual-Port DVI monitor.
They also have high-end video cards capable of supporting multiple monitors, each with its desktop.
Another cool feature is the ability to plug in a USB keyboard to a PowerBook or MacBook with the lid closed and use an external monitor, saving your Laptop’s built-in monitor life span while giving you a home Desktop experience with your Laptop.
A PowerMac Desktop is also set up for ultimate performance. It has the most upgradability of any Mac, the fastest processors, tons of room for RAM and hard drives, support for multiple Dual-port DVI monitors, PCI slots for audio and video cards, and faster ports, buses, and drives.
An iBook, Mac mini, and iMac may not share all of these features, so decide what you need and don’t need for your computing needs.