The Internet is a fast-moving target in India. We have started receiving complaints from people complaining that their broadband connections are prolonged, which we have never seen before. However, the speed at which we have been able to work is not affected.
We’ve been hearing all kinds of stories lately about the death of blogging. Some say it’s dead, while others say it’s alive and kicking.
Blogging is alive and well – but what happened to it?
Many factors led to the decline of blogging, including the rise of social media, the shift towards mobile usage, and the promotion of Facebook ads.
Today, blogging is more relevant than ever. And if you want to start blogging, you don’t need special skills. You don’t even need a website!
Today’s Internet is different than the one you grew up with. It’s fast, free, convenient, and now, we have a lot of choices. For example, there are over 20 million social media sites to choose from (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) and nearly 50 million websites to explore. Not only that, but the average internet user spends 2 hours and 48 minutes a day on their phone browsing the web. This is just not an exaggeration!
Facebook announces its new algorithm.
Facebook’s algorithm update in June 2018 has left many marketers scratching.
The good news is that this update doesn’t mean the end of blogging. Many bloggers are experiencing a massive uptick in traffic, which is a result of how Facebook works.
Facebook has significantly changed how it treats “engagement” in its algorithms. Posts, likes, comments, and shares measure engagement.
The new algorithm favors posts that generate the most engagement. In other words, Facebook rewards those who engage with their posts rather than those who link to them.
While the new algorithm is a welcome change for Facebook users, it is a significant blow for those who rely on links.
Snapchat adds a new feature.
In August, Snapchat added a new feature called Stories, which lets users create short-duration snaps and then share them with their friends.
These snaps can be created with a camera, selfie stick, or smartphone.
While initially seems silly, it opens up a new avenue of traffic generation.
The most effective way to use Snapchat Stories is to create them around a particular event or product launch. If you snap a picture of an excellent new product, it could potentially “go viral.”
When this happens, it’s often called a “Stories lift.”
For example, you create a snap of your favorite tech gadget, and the world wants to see it. This could lead to “Stories lifts,” where a new user is suddenly interested in the widget.
Then, they’ll find out that the company you work for makes similar gadgets and’ll be interested in buying one. This is a classic example of “SEO without SEO.”
The Stories lift can also drive traffic back to a blog, and it’s especially effective when promoting an upcoming product launch or event.
The trick is getting users to visit your site directly from the Snaps. The best way to do this is to create a “story” that encourages them to click through to your site.
YouTube changes how it ranks videos.
When Google rolled out its Penguin update in 2012, it was a game-changer for many online businesses. Penguin penalized sites that didn’t update their pages regularly, and areas that didn’t have authority were punished heavily.
After Penguin, there was a massive shift in “link building”. Before then, people would write long blog posts to build backlinks, and their sites would rank highly. After Penguin, however, people started to “game” the system by posting short, entertaining videos with a link to their website.
Since then, the rules have changed again.
In the summer of 2018, YouTube introduced a new algorithm that rewards video creators for creating original content. In other words, they’re rewarding quality over quantity. This has led to an increase in “content creators” posting videos to YouTube, hoping the algorithm will “crawl” their way to the top.
While this is an excellent SEO strategy, it’s a bad idea if you’re serious about creating content that helps your business.
Google announces its new algorithm.
One of the most significant changes we’ve seen in the last few years is the rise of mobile search.
While desktop search engines like Google are already optimized for mobile usage, mobile search engines like Yahoo and Bing are optimized for desktop search.
Since mobile search has become such a large part of the market, Google now considers the user experience when displaying results.
In short, it gives mobile users a more relevant experience, including less clutter. Google also tries to prevent users from leaving their phones when searching for information.
The result? Mobile search engines like Yahoo and Bing rank lower than desktop search engines.
How does this affect blogging?
Blogging is an excellent tool for generating traffic that is not dependent on the algorithm.
Blogging can even help you beat the new algorithm.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Internet
Q: What happened in technology today?
A: A big news story today was the release of Microsoft Office 2010. I am excited about this because it will make my life easier.
Q: How does Office 2010 work?
A: With Office 2010, you can create documents from scratch or import them from previous versions. It allows you to write your notes on OneNote and convert them into an e-book. You also have new features like creating a chart with Excel 2010 and adding animation to your slide show presentations.
Q: Does Office 2010 require any new software or hardware?
A: Not at all. It will work with existing computer programs and hardware.
Top myths about the Internet
1. What happened to the Internet today?
2. The Internet went down for everyone.
3. The Internet was slow or unresponsive.
4. I can’t get online.
5. I’m unable to access my e-mail.
This was probably the worst internet day ever.
Whenever we think we’ve seen the worst of the Internet, it worsens. Everything seems to be slipping down the slippery slope into darkness, from fake news to fake followers.
But despite these problems, I think the Internet will continue to grow. There are still so many benefits to it, and I predict that the future of the Internet will have more positive than negative aspects.